Ravi Gangadharaiah Nayaka

About Me Ekatraya,1). Currently Pursuing Doctoral Studies in the area of “Humane Physics” 2000-2007. Presently working as visiting fauctly for M.Arch Habitat Design at BMS College of engineering, Bangalore. [1.My project “Humane Physics” has been awarded fellowship from Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi. Reference File No. 1-59/2005/P&R/ICPR.(National acceptance). 2. My paper no 244 “Humane Physics – Ekalavya Multiversity” has been accepted for presentation at the conference “worlds religions after September 11-15 at Montréal. (Global acceptance)] also I have applied for stars conference and grant programme. Ekalavya Multiversity* is being Self proclaimed Deemed University to execute and establish Truth, through Humane Physics, As this is synonymous to a chain reaction. We are like neutrons of the chain reaction; we need have to trigger this reaction. Seeking your guidance to nurture humanity 2000 years and beyond brings together some of the most eminent thinkers of our time, Specialists in philosophy, theology, anthropology and culture theory, gut, string theorists , gia hypothesis, akanda paradigm, theory of every thing, Humanism is the binding energy to make a home for humanity. Family is the basic building block of society.
Contributor Type: | Other Scientist |
Institution: | Ekalavya Mulitveristy |
Groups of Interest: | Life_on_Earth |
Subject Areas of Interest: | Behavior, Biogeography, Ecology, DNA/proteins, Humane Physics |
Geographic Areas of Interest: | Mother Earth, Restored Biosphere |
Email: | |
Webpage: | http://www.ekalavyamultiversity.blogspot.com |
Contributor ID: | 3346 |