Todd LaJeunesse

I am interested in the relative influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the coevolution of animal-microbe mutualisms, including the rate of evolution in response to climate change. I am broadly interested in processes of speciation/extinction and developing/applying molecular tools for assessing ecologically relevant diversity. I also seek to change the current antiquated approach in the formal naming of microbial eukaryotes.
Contributor Type: | Other Scientist |
Institution: | The Pennsylvania State University |
Groups of Interest: | Dinoflagellates and Symbiodinium |
Subject Areas of Interest: | Biogeography, Ecology, Phylogenetics, DNA/proteins, Taxonomy, adaptive radiations |
Geographic Areas of Interest: | Circum tropic and sub-tropical shallow marine ecosystems |
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Published Tree of Life Pages: | View pages |
Tree of Life Media Files: | View media |
Contributor ID: | 5291 |