About anaglyph 3D: Photographs here are in 3D, using anaglyph techniques which combines two photographs one in red and the other in cyan (blue + green) color. To get the 3D effect, you must use glasses with red and cyan lenses (filters) over your regular glasses. The form of the beak is far easier to interpret in 3D and we strongly recommend to the viewer that the glasses be obtained (this is especially helpful when viewing enlarged images - i.e. click on the image). These beak photographs were made using Red and Cyan Anachrome Aviator Glasses (see: http://www.anachrome.com/glassbuy.htm or http://www.amazon.com) which cost under $10.00 (USD).
About O. robusta: To be added.

Figure. Side view of the lower beak of O. robusta, sex unknown, 160 mm ML, 3.8 mm LRL, Central North Pacific at 43°N. Photograph by R. Young.

Figure. Side-oblique (left) and oblique (right) views of the lower beak of O. robusta, sex unknown, 160 mm ML, 3.8 mm LRL, Central North Pacific at 43°N. Photographs by R. Young.

Figure. "Top" (left) and oral (right) views of the lower beak of O. robusta, sex unknown, 160 mm ML, 3.8 mm LRL, Central North Pacific at 43°N. Photographs by R. Young.

Figure. Front (left) and posterior-oblique (right) views of the lower beak of O. robusta, sex unknown, 160 mm ML, 3.8 mm LRL, Central North Pacific at 43°N. Photographs by R. Young.