- Arms
- Arms weak with thin sheath of muscle around a gelatinous core.
- Arm formula: IV>III>II>I. Arms IV > ML.
- Protective membranes damaged, little remains.
- Buccal connectives attach to dorsal margins of arms IV.
- Tentacles
- Club protective membranes small, inconspicuous with trabeculae barely discernable.
- Locking apparatus:
- 10-11 suckers in a line along dorsal margin of proximal-manus (see photograph below).
- 5-6 suckers in carpal region at base of manus; 1-2 distal suckers in carpus much smaller than the others.
- 7-8 suckers widely strung along distal half or more of tentacular stalk.
- Suckers have corresponding knobs.
- Manus:
- Proximal-manus short, expanded and with numerous small suckers that are laterally folded.
- suckers arranged in irregular series with about 12-14 suckers across broadest portion of manus.
- About 25-35 suckers along length of manus.
- Distal suckers (of proximal-manus slightly smaller (ca. 0.4mm long diam.) than proximal suckers (ca. 0.5 mm long diam.).
- Dactylus:
- Dactylus with neck-like distal portion and expanded terminal pad.
- Suckers in 4-5 irregular series on proximal end of distal manus becoming 4 series on dactylus 1-2 series on neck-like region of dactylus.
- Terminal pad with 6-8 suckers of varying sizes forming a circle or partial circle around a central bare space.
- Funnel
- Funnel-mantle locking apparatus with straight groove and ridge.
- Gladius
- Morphometrics from Toll (1982): Gladius length - 111.7 mm; free rhachis length - 9.9 mm; free rhachis width - 3.4 mm; maximum gladius width (across vanes) - 8.2 mm; conus length - 3.0 mm.
- Pigmentation
- No pigment remains.
- Remnants of a thick, whitish tissue present on aboral surfaces of arms and head and traces on mantle.
- Measurements

Figure. Oral view of the tentacular club of N. nesisi, showing the distal portion of the proximal manus and the abreviated distal manus that shortly merges into the dactylus. Locking suckers and knobs of the manus are seen along the dorsal margin. Detached tentacle, presumably from holotype. Photograph by R. Young.

Figure. Dorsolateral view of the arms of N. nesisi, holotype. Remnants of the whitish (= silvery in life?) tissue is present on the outer surfaces of the arms. The arm with a right-angle bend is the right arm II which shows the whitish tissue most clearly; adjacent to it are the two small arms I then the large left arms II and III. Photograph by R. Young.
Specimen | Holotype NMNH 730704 | Paratype NMNH 7075115 |
Sex | Male | -- |
Mantle length, mm | 100 | -- |
Mantle width | 18 | -- |
Head length | 23 | |
Head width | 18 (estimate) | |
Arm length I, Left / Right | ? / 41 | |
Arm length II | ? / 79 | |
Arm length III | 98+ / 100 | |
Arm length IV | 123 / 135 | |
Club length | -- / 20 |
The beaks had been removed by an earlier investigator.