Hyraxes, Dassies, Rock rabbits
- Seggeurius
- Pliohyracidae
- Procaviidae
- Procavia capensis (rock hyrax)
- Heterohyrax brucei (yellow-spotted hyrax)
- Dendrohyrax (tree or bush hyraxes)
- Prohyrax
- Gigantohyrax
Bothma, J. du P. 1971. Order Hyracoidea. In: The Mammals of Africa: An Identification Manual. J. Meester and H.W. Setzer, eds. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.
Court, N. and J. L. Hartenberger. 1992. A new species of the hyracoid mammal Titanohyrax from the Eocene of Tunisia. Palaeontology 35:309-317.
Court, N. and M. Mahboubi. 1993. Reassessment of Lower Eocene Seggeurius amourensis - aspects of primitive dental morphology in the mammalian order Hyracoidea. Journal of Paleontology 67:889-893.
Hoeck, H. N. 1989. Demography and competition in hyrax - a 17 years study. Oecologia 79:353-360.
Janis, C. M. 1979. Mastication in the hyrax and its relevance to ungulate dental evolution. Paleobiology 5:50-59.
Janis, C. M. 1983. Muscles of the masticatory apparatus in 2 genera of hyraces (Procavia and Heterohyrax). Journal of Morphology 176:61-87.
McKenna, M. C. and S. K. Bell. 1997. Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press, New York.
McMahon, C. R. amd J. F. Thackeray. 1994. Pliopleistocene Hyracoidea from Swartkrans cave, South Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 29:40-45.
Nowak, R. M. 1999. Order Hyracoidea. Pages 1041-1047 in: Walker's Mammals of the World. Sixth Edition. Volume II. (R. M. Nowak). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Olds, N. and J. Shoshani. 1982. Procavia capensis. Mammalian Species 171:1–7.
Pickford, M. 1996. Pliohyracids (Mammalia, Hyracoidea) from the upper Middle Miocene at Berg Aukas, Namibia. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie II Fascicule A-Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes 322:501-505.
Pickford, M., H. Thomas, S. Sen, J. Roger, E. Gheerbrant, and Z. Alsulaimani. 1994. Early Oligocene Hyracoidea (Mammalia) from Thaytiniti and Taqah, Dhofar Province, Sultanate of Oman. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie II 318:1395-1400.
Rasmussen, D. T. 1989. The evolution of the Hyracoidea: a review of the fossil evidence. Pages 57-78 in The Evolution of Perissodactyls. (D. R. Prothero and R. M. Schoch, eds.) Clarendon Press, New York.
Rasmussen, D. T., M. Gagnon, and E. L. Simons. 1990. Taxeopody in the carpus and tarsus of Oligocene Pliohyracidae (Mammalia, Hyracoidea) and the phyletic position of hyraxes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 87:4688-4691.
Rasmussen, D. T., M. Pickford, P. Mein, B. Senut, and G. C. Conroy. 1996. Earliest known Procaviid hyracoid from the late miocene of Namibia. Journal of Mammalogy 77:745-754.
Schwartz, G. T., D. T. Rasmussen, and R. J. Smith. 1995. Body-size diversity and community structure of fossil hyracoids. Journal of Mammalogy 76:1088-1099.
Shoshani, J. 2005. Order Hyracoidea. Pages 87-88 in Mammal Species of the World, 3rd Edition. D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder, eds. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Skinner, J.D. and R.H.N. Smithers. 1990. The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion, second edition University of Pretoria, Pretoria. South Africa.
Information on the Internet
- Order Hyracoidea. Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.
- Hyracoidea. The Ultimate Ungulate Page.
- Afrotheria Specialist Group. IUCN - The World Conservation Union. Species Survival Commission.
- Order Hyracoidea: the Hyraxes. University of Edinburgh Aubrey Manning Gallery Collection.
- Hyrax. African Wildlife Foundation.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Heterohyrax brucei, Acacia tortilis |
Location | Seronera area of Serengeti National Park, Tanzania |
Comments | Heterohyrax feeding in Acacia |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
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© 1989 Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
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Hyracoidea. Hyraxes, Dassies, Rock rabbits.
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2000. Hyracoidea. Hyraxes, Dassies, Rock rabbits. Version 01 January 2000 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Hyracoidea/15982/2000.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/