Andrew V. Z. Brower- Delias alberti
- Delias albertisi
- Delias alepa
- Delias angabungana
- Delias angiensis
- Delias antara
- Delias arabuana
- Delias argentata
- Delias aroae
- Delias autumnalis
- Delias awongkor
- Delias bagoe
- Delias bakeri
- Delias balimensis
- Delias biaka
- Delias bobaga
- Delias bornemannii
- Delias bosnikiana
- Delias bothwelli
- Delias caliban
- Delias callima
- Delias callista
- Delias campbelli
- Delias caroli
- Delias carstensziana
- Delias acalis
- Delias castaneus
- Delias aganippe
- Delias catisa
- Delias agostina
- Delias catocausta
- Delias argenthona
- Delias chimbu
- Delias aruna
- Delias citrona
- Delias baracasa
- Delias clathrata
- Delias belladonna
- Delias cuningputi
- Delias descombesi
- Delias cyclosticha
- Delias ennia
- Delias dice
- Delias georgina
- Delias discus
- Delias harpalyce
- Delias dixeyi
- Delias hyparete
- Delias dohertyi
- Delias mysis
- Delias doylei
- Delias nigrina
- Delias eichhorni
- Delias ninus
- Delias elongatus
- Delias nysa
- Delias endela
- Delias pasithoe
- Delias enniana
- Delias singhapura
- Delias eudiabolas
- Delias euphemia
- Delias eximia
- Delias fascelis
- Delias flavissima
- Delias flavistriga
- Delias frater
- Delias gabia
- Delias geraldina
- Delias germana
- Delias gilliardi
- Delias hagenensis
- Delias hallstromi
- Delias hapalina
- Delias heliophora
- Delias heroni
- Delias hyperapproximata
- Delias hypomelas
- Delias iltis
- Delias imitator
- Delias isocharis
- Delias itamputi
- Delias jordani
- Delias kenricki
- Delias klossi
- Delias konokono
- Delias kummeri
- Delias ladas
- Delias lecerfi
- Delias leucias
- Delias leucobalia
- Delias ligata
- Delias luctuosa
- Delias lytaea
- Delias madetes
- Delias marguerita
- Delias mariae
- Delias maudei
- Delias mavroneria
- Delias meeki
- Delias mesoblema
- Delias messalina
- Delias microsticha
- Delias mira
- Delias muliensis
- Delias nais
- Delias narses
- Delias niepelti
- Delias niewenhuisi
- Delias nigropunctata
- Delias oktanglap
- Delias ornytion
- Delias pheres
- Delias phippsi
- Delias pratti
- Delias rileyi
- Delias rosamontana
- Delias sagessa
- Delias salvini
- Delias schoenbergi
- Delias sphenodiscus
- Delias subapicalis
- Delias talboti
- Delias thompsoni
- Delias totila
- Delias toxopei
- Delias weiskei
- Delias wollastoni
- Delias yabensis
- Delias zebra
- Delias agoranis
- Delias apatela
- Delias auriantica
- Delias belisama
- Delias benasu
- Delias berinda
- Delias blanca
- Delias brandti
- Delias candida
- Delias ceneus
- Delias battana
- Delias chrysomelaena
- Delias kazueae
- Delias crithoe
- Delias shirozui
- Delias diaphana
- Delias surprisa
- Delias dorimene
- Delias dorylaea
- Delias dumasi
- Delias duris
- Delias echidna
- Delias eileenae
- Delias ellipsis
- Delias eschatia
- Delias eucharis
- Delias eumolpe
- Delias fasciata
- Delias fruhstorferi
- Delias funerea
- Delias hempeli
- Delias henningia
- Delias hippodamia
- Delias isse
- Delias joiceyi
- Delias kuehni
- Delias lativitta
- Delias lemoulti
- Delias levicki
- Delias manuselensis
- Delias mitisi
- Delias momea
- Delias nuydaorum
- Delias oraia
- Delias patrua
- Delias periboea
- Delias poecila
- Delias prouti
- Delias ribbei
- Delias rosenbergi
- Delias rothschildi
- Delias sacha
- Delias sambawana
- Delias sanaca
- Delias schmassmanni
- Delias schuppi
- Delias splendida
- Delias stresemanni
- Delias subviridis
- Delias themis
- Delias timorensis
- Delias vidua
- Delias vietnamensis
- Delias wilemani
- Delias woodi
- Delias zebuda
- Delias melusina
- Delias laknekei
A speciose and brightly-colored pierid genus ranging from India to the Solomon Islands. More than 100 species are endemic to New Guinea, many to particular mountaintops. Larvae feed on mistletoes (Loranthaceae).
Common IFB, and Waterhouse DF. 1981. Butterflies of Australia. CSIRO Publications, East Melbourne.
Corbet AS, Pendlebury HM, and Eliot JN. 1992. The butterflies of the Malay Peninsula. Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur.
Parsons M. 1999. The butterflies of Papua New Guinea: their systematics and biology. Academic Press, San Diego.
Talbot, G. 1928-1937. A monograph of the pierine genus Delias. Trustees Brit. Mus. pp. 1-56 (1928), 57-116 (1929), 117-167 (1929), 168-219 (1929), 220-259 (1930), 261-546 (1937).
Vane-Wright RI, and de Jong R. 2003. The butterflies of Sulawesi: annotated checklist for a critical island fauna. Zoologische Verhandelingen 343: 1-267.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Delias harpalyce |
Location | Rocky Hall, NSW, Australia |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Imperial Jezebel (Delias harpalyce) |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2008 David Cook Wildlife Photography |
Location | Hong Kong |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Colorful Little |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2006 Charles Lam |
About This Page
Andrew V. Z. Brower
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
Page copyright © 2009 Andrew V. Z. Brower
Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 08 November 2006
- Content changed 07 September 2007
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2007. Delias in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 07 September 2007 (under construction).