- Amazona ventralis (Hispaniolan Amazon)
- Amazona leucocephala (Cuban Amazon)
- Amazona vittata (Puerto Rican Amazon)
- Amazona collaria (Yellow-billed Amazon)
- Amazona agilis (Black-billed Amazon)
- Amazona albifrons (White-fronted Amazon)
- Amazona pretrei (Red-spectacled Amazon)
- Amazona tucumana (Tucuman Amazon)
- Amazona vinacea (Vinaceous-breasted Amazon)
- Amazona festiva (Festive Amazon)
- Amazona oratrix (Yellow-headed Amazon)
- Amazona aestiva (Turquoise-fronted Amazon)
- Amazona auropalliata (Yellow-naped Amazon)
- Amazona ochrocephala (Yellow-crowned Amazon)
- Amazona barbadensis (Yellow-shouldered Amazon)
- Amazona versicolor (St. Lucia Amazon)
- Amazona arausiaca (Red-necked Amazon)
- Amazona farinosa (Mealy Amazon)
- Amazona kawalli (White-cheeked Amazon)
- Amazona rhodocorytha (Red-browed Amazon)
- Amazona dufresniana (Blue-cheeked Amazon)
- Amazona viridigenalis (Red-crowned Amazon)
- Amazona finschi (Lilac-crowned Amazon)
- Amazona autumnalis (Red-lored Amazon)
- Amazona guildingii (St. Vincent Amazon)
- Amazona amazonica (Orange-winged Amazon)
- Amazona brasiliensis (Red-tailed Amazon)
- Amazona imperialis (Imperial Amazon)
- Amazona diadema (Diademed Amazon)
- Amazona xantholora (Yucatan Amazon)
- Amazona mercenaria (Scaly-naped Amazon)
Koenig, S. E. 2001. The breeding biology of Black-billed Parrot Amazona agilis and Yellow-billed Parrot Amazona collaria in Cockpit Country, Jamaica. Bird Conservation International 11:205-225.
Russello, M. A. and G. Amato. 2003. A molecular phylogeny of Amazona: implication for Neotropical parrot biogeography, taxonomy and conservation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 30:421-437.
Russello, M. A., D. Calcagnotto, R. DeSalle, and G. Amato. 2001. Characterization of microsatellite loci in the endangered St. Vincent Parrot, Amazona guildingii. Molecular Ecology Notes 1:162-164.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Amazona leucocephala |
Location | Pálpite, Zapata Swamp, Cuba |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Cuban Parrot (Amazona leucocephala) |
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© Arthur Grosset
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- First online 31 August 2007
- Content changed 31 August 2007
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